Who monitors wicker app
Who monitors wicker app

who monitors wicker app
  1. #Who monitors wicker app how to
  2. #Who monitors wicker app software
  3. #Who monitors wicker app Pc
  4. #Who monitors wicker app download
  5. #Who monitors wicker app windows

#Who monitors wicker app software

You can also specify the maximum number of automatically generated software metering rules allowed on the site.īy default, software metering rules that are automatically created are disabled. You can configure this inventory data so that only for applications that are used on a specified percentage of computers metering rules are created.

who monitors wicker app

You can configure software metering in Configuration Manager to automatically generate disabled software metering rules from recent usage inventory data held in the site database. The new software metering rule is displayed in the Software Metering node in the Assets and Compliance workspace.Ĭonfigure automatic software metering rules Review and confirm the settings and then complete the wizard to create the software metering rule. To meter all language versions of a file, select Any in the drop-down list.ĭescription - An optional description for the software metering rule.Īpply this software metering rule to the following clients – Select whether you want to apply the software metering rule to all clients in the hierarchy or to the clients that are assigned to the site specified in the Site list. If you select an executable file to be metered by clicking the Browse button, this box is automatically filled if language information is present in the header of the file. The default value is the current locale of the operating system you are using. Language - The language of the executable file to meter. If you want to meter for all versions of an executable file, use the default value ( * ). You can use the wildcard character ( * ) to represent any string of characters or the wildcard character ( ? ) to represent any single character. Version - The version of the executable file you that want to meter. This box is optional if a value for File Name is specified. Wildcard characters are not permitted in the original file name. Name - The name of the software metering rule.

who monitors wicker app

On the General page of the Create Software Metering Rule wizard, specify the following information: On the Home tab, in the Create group, click Create Software Metering Rule. In the Configuration Manager console, click Assets and Compliance > Software Metering.

who monitors wicker app

Use the Create Software Metering Rule wizard to create a new software metering rule for your Configuration Manager site. To initiate policy retrieval for a single client, see Manage clients.

#Who monitors wicker app download

Use the default value of every 7 days or click Schedule to specify a custom schedule.Ĭlick OK to close the Default Settings dialog box.Ĭlient computers are configured with these settings the next time they download client policy. Schedule data collection: Configure how often software metering data is collected from client computers. In the Device Settings list, configure the following:Įnable software metering on clients: Select True to enable software metering. In the Default Settings dialog box, click Software Metering. On the Home tab, in the Properties group, click Properties. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration > Client Settings > Default Client Settings.

#Who monitors wicker app how to

For more information about how to create custom device settings, see Configure client settings. If you want these settings to apply to only some computers, create a custom device client setting and deploy it to a collection that contains the computers on which you want to use software metering. This procedure configures the default client settings for software metering and applies to all computers in your hierarchy. For more information, see Introduction to reporting. You must configure a reporting services point before you can view software metering reports. See Configure software metering in this topic. You can deploy software metering settings to all computers in the hierarchy, or you can deploy custom settings to groups of computers. To use software metering, the client setting Enable software metering on clients must be enabled and deployed to computers. Software metering has no external dependencies, only dependencies within the product.

#Who monitors wicker app windows

Software metering does not monitor modern Windows apps (such as those used by Windows 8).

#Who monitors wicker app Pc

Software metering is used to monitor Windows PC desktop apps with a filename ending in.

Who monitors wicker app